Friday, May 10, 2019

Is ConvergeHub a Viable Salesforce Alternative Small Business CRM Software

Salesforce Alternative

Salesforce CRM is excellent and robust SaaS CRM software that is a cloud based, however, there are several businesses that are not contended using Salesforce CRM and therefore look for Salesforce Alternative in the CRM space as the truth lies in the fact that:


The main reasons why many organizations (especially small businesses and startups) seek Salesforce Alternative CRM software are:

• Easy adoption
• Simple learning curve
• Lower prices
• More options for customization
• Ease of use

Now let us be frank in telling you that if you do not know what is CRM , and you think that all CRM software platforms are identical, you need to seriously consider your decision once more. 

Remember, CRM software solutions are not simple software applications that you can change every year. This is because, given the high cost and efforts that are needed for adopting a CRM, you just cannot change it frequently. 

Well, we understand your problem and understand what you might be wondering.

Where do you begin!

Therefore, to answer this vital question, here are a few most important and critical elements to successful CRM adoption as you look for Salesforce Alternatives in the marketplace.

Your CRM software should grow along with you

As every business is different and unique, and moreover the size of organization varies greatly from one another, hence the traditional and useless one-size-fits-all strategy is not the proper approach while implementing a CRM system. 

Therefore, before selecting your Salesforce Alternative CRM platform, you must most necessarily decide on how many people will use the software solution in your office. Since it is a vital needed that you must choose a CRM system that answers to the requirements of your business and can be customized for that purpose easily. 

Always remember while purchasing your CRM software, the Salesforce Alternative CRM that you wish to purchase do have the capacity to expand and is scalable enough like ConvergeHub (the best Salesforce Alternative CRM) to accommodate your future needs. 

It must be simple 

You need to stop and re-strategize if you are thinking about purchasing a CRM that provides all and every function that has been developed over the years to perform on a CRM system. 

Always remember, an overqualified CRM software platform, much like Salesforce is sure to churn out over-complicated analysis, bells and whistles, and results. 

Moreover purchasing a CRM with excess idle functionalities and modules also results in investing more money in getting your staffs trained and used for proper adoption of the CRM tool.  

Therefore, while selecting your Salesforce Alternative CRM focus only on those functionalities that you presently need, since speaking candidly, the lesser the functionalities the better is the CRM for startups and small businesses. 

However, it does not imply that you need to compromise on the eminence of the software since Salesforce Alternative CRM software platforms like ConvergeHub offers its users an uncomplicated easy to use CRM solution that has all the functionalities that are needed for the growth and scalability of small businesses. 

Consider reading reviews

Deciding on a Salesforce Alternative CRM can be really difficult at times since there are several Salesforce Alternative CRM software solutions those that call them the best in the CRM marketplace. 

Therefore, use Free Trial Sign Up after checking on the reviews of different CRM solutions and then compare them with each other for deciding on the best CRM for your company.  

You can easily find the reputation and score of any CRM system by checking on the reviews of the SaaS software in social media networking, magazines, and technology blogging websites. 

Avail professional support

Although you might know what is a CRM software, even then you need to consider availing professional support as you may end up being confused at times while selecting your Salesforce Alternative CRM. 

Never purchase a CRM based on your instincts

CRM consultants not only aid you in choosing the right easy to use CRM for your business that is easy to adopt and scalable like ConvergeHub, but they most often provide support while installation, training, and adoption of the new software and help your employees to understand the hidden shortcuts and key functionalities of the CRM platform. 


Never rush into buying CRM software just because your business needs it. 

Always remember if your business is working until now, a few more days will never hurt your businesses’ workflow as much as buying a wrong Salesforce alternative CRM would do for your business.  

Therefore, invest your time, research and find the best small business CRM software for your organization and buy the one that pays off once it is implemented.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

4 Human Touchpoints of Sales with Customer Relationship Management

By now we all must know what is CRM software and what it stands for.

We all are aware that easy to use CRM software platform helps sales organizations to keep track of their customers and thereafter manage the leads as it moves through the sales pipeline, which ultimately makes sales more effective and easy for the sales reps in your company.

Now, while best small business CRM software and many other Salesforce Alternative CRM solution technologies along with Salesforce CRM help in continuing to make this sales process easier, there is practically as-of-now no way to make the human-touch completely automated that is needed to provide an effective sales.

Hence, in every single step of your sales process, it is necessary that you should establish a direct contact to educate your purchasers, inform them of your offerings and most importantly establish trust with the buyers of your products and services.

Therefore, in this article let us dig out what are the precise things that you should be performing to ensure that your sales reps are hitting each of these crucial touch-points, help your buyers to guide them towards a decision, and finally deepen your relationship with potential buyers of your offering in your CRM database on the way.

1. The Potential Customer Makes Contact

The very primary touch-point in this list is the very first opportunity that you find to create a connection with your prospective customer during their initial contact with your brand.

At this juncture, mostly the purchaser visits your business website and shows interest in your offerings. For example, they may fill up a form for downloading a free EBook or may even contact your sales and marketing reps directly with any questions that they have in their minds. 

Hence this is the most opportune moment that your sales reps can find to speak with the prospects about their needs and create a good impression on their minds since it is your job now is to figure out what your prospects are exactly looking for and how your offerings can help them to solve their pain-points effortlessly.

Now, if you have decided to follow up directly, try to identify the answers for these following questions listed below:

• Why did the prospects come to your website?
• How did the prospects found your website?
• What the reasons that made them reach out by filling up your web-to-lead form?
• What exactly are their pain-points?

It is only by understands the answers to these questions, you can decide if your offerings and solutions are a right fit to the buyers and thereafter suggest a way you can help.

Moreover, at this point, you can also direct the prospects of your brand to other helpful resources of your company such as case studies, blog posts, videos and FAQs,

You may also request the prospect at this stage if they want to sign-up for your email list if they did not already do it when they availed your free offer.

Finally, it is most significant that you have to remain available when the prospect has any question and wants to talk to someone in your sales teams. Therefore, your sales reps need to remains available on all possible channels like phone, email and live chat and for this, you must include all your contact information in your email signature so that the prospects can find out your contact info easily.

2. The Buyer Is Evaluating Your Solution

The place for second touch point with your buyer is once the purchaser of your offerings understands how your product or service can address their pain-points, which makes your prospects advance to the mid-to-late stages in the sales funnel of your easy to use CRM software, where they are likely to start evaluating your offerings against similar options in the marketplace.

Therefore, in the stage what can you do to persuade your prospects into choosing your brand? What more information do they require in order to arrive at a decision?

Although all selling situations may differ from one another, nevertheless the key decision making factors remains the same which ultimately boil down to:

• Does your offering(s) meet your purchaser’s needs?
• Does your offering make financial sense to the buyers?
• Will buying from your brand make them more successful than purchasing from others?

To answer questions “Does your offering(s) meet your purchaser’s needs?” you can:

• Set up a product demo or a call with your buyers.
• Invite the prospect to a webinar.
• Invite them to sign up for a free trial or use a test account, since they can never know how good your solutions is unless they use it.

To provide an answer to this question “Does your offering make financial sense to the buyers?” your sales reps can put together a personalized plan that can fit the prospective buyer’s pockets, which will aid them in finding the exact cost of your proposed solution and others mentioned in the plan.

Finally, to answer the last question “Will buying from your brand make them more successful than purchasing from others?” your sales reps can easily place confidence in the prospect’s decisions to buy by:

• Sending case studies.
• Providing positive testimonials by other existing customers.
• Refer them to customers who will speak positivity on behalf of your support services and your offering(s).

Once this is done, you may need to provide your prospective customers with a little ‘prod and nudge’ in order to make them decide fast on choosing your offering by continuing to create follow-ups via email or phone.

You can also create and send limited time-bound offers at this stage as a last-ditch effort to secure your sale.

3. After the prospect has bought your solution

Congratulations! You have won the sale and now the prospective buyer has turned to a customer of your brand.

However, this does not mean that your sales process has come to an end, and you should focus on qualifying your very next prospective lead.  This is because; you must always remember that retaining your existing and more importantly the new customers should be your next step in nurturing the buyer relationship, since acquiring new customers cost 25 times more than retaining the existing ones.

Hence it is vitally important to provide maximum effort to keep your customers happy and build a long-lasting business relationship with them which you can do by:

• Thanking the buyer.
• Provide fast delivery.
• Help the buyer set up your solution.
• Send use cases.
• Reach out regularly to see if they require help.
• Make sure your sales and support reps are available easily.

Moreover, by sending surveys using MA (Marketing Automation) integrated into most best small business CRM software platform, you can also find answers to questions such as:

•    How satisfied your customers are using your offerings?
•    How satisfied your customers are with your support activities?
•    How difficult or easy they are finding your products/services to use?
•    What unforeseen issues are they experiencing with your brand?

4. Continuing the Relationship

The ultimate customer relationship touch-point in the sale cycle and the customer’s journey with your brand is continuing your relationship to move forward over time.
Remember, one of the greatest reasons for customer churn or for customers leaving your brand is because they believe that your organization does not care about them anymore.

Therefore, what can you do to keep your existing customers happy and engaged for the days to come?

Here are some additional ideas listed below that you can apply (apart from the ideas that are mentioned above):

• Create a loyalty program.
• Set up a referral program.
• Send your existing customers freebies.
• Perform up-sell or cross-sell to your existing customers on your other products/services.
  (Existing customers mostly spends an average of more than 67% than new customers, which provides excellent up-selling opportunities.)


Therefore, although easy to use CRM software makes the lives of sales and support reps easier, it is still equally important to consistently uphold the human-touch that customers need that can help in increasing the effectiveness of your sales process and also aid in building long-lasting and strong personal relationships. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Are You Meeting These Key Customer Support Expectations For Your Brand?

In today’s world consumers are increasingly becoming demanding. Now, consumers not only require high-quality products, but they also anticipate star-rated services. 
Nevertheless, current researches have revealed that under-investment in customer care infrastructure is harming customer service from a global perspective.

Recently NewVoiceMedia partnered with OpinionMatters a market research firm, to analyze the survey response from more than 1000 support professionals working in different industry verticals and its results have found five significant gaps between the expectations of the customers and the service they receive that can eventually hurt your business.

Customer Expectation #1

An Unfailing Experience across Channels

For most consumers, elaborating the same problem(s) to multiple support agents is one of the most talked-about frustrating aspects of customer support.

Regrettably, 40 percent of those that were surveyed admitted that their customers in most cases need to repeat themselves to more than one support agents for resolving their issues.

In addition, unfortunately, over a fifth of the surveyed support agents also admitted that they cannot match their consumers to their previous agents after the customers have switched channels for resolving their still persisting issue(s).

Now, failing to provide the customer with the necessary information they need promptly is one of the quickest ways to make your customers think of aborting your brand.

Therefore, using an easy to use CRM that can provide intelligent call-routing and a centralized platform that is capable of tracking customer issues across every channel is a time-tested way to make certain that your brand is meeting the expectations of the customers those that switch channels frequently.

Customer Expectation #2

On-Hold Time Should Be Kept To a Minimum

Research reveals that when it comes to holding times most customers are only willing to wait for 10 minutes on-hold in an average.

Moreover, every minute over this above-stated benchmarked timeline significantly steps-up the chances of your customers hanging up and taking their problems elsewhere.

Nevertheless, in spite of this above-stated fact only 36 percent of the support agents those that were surveyed told that their contact center offers self-service options by using an IVR.

Support executives often field a very high volume of calls for relatively few scenarios. Therefore, by authorizing customers to help themselves by using a self-service IVR that can lessen the effort and time needed to answer their simple issues, which can be integrated with an easy to use CRM, you can reduce hold times and call volumes effectively.

This is because using IVR will not only make your support facility efficient but it will also provide support agents to manage more channels or focus on resolving more complex issues easily.

Customer Expectation #3

The Ability to Interact With a Real Person

Customers have an expectation to be able to contact businesses through an ever-increasing number of channels and also self-service options that provide them with a solution to attend to their problems on their own terms.

Nevertheless, what customers demand even more is to find that their issues are solved quickly, which is the exact reason as to why when things get complicated, most consumers across several brands, still consider that speaking to a real person is the fastest and most effective way to solve their problems.

Nearly 30 percent of the surveyed respondents expressed that their support facility cannot route calls to the right agent without an IVR, and sometimes even not at all.
On the other hand, many businesses that have adopted IVR, use complicated menus in those systems that are too difficult to navigate.

Easy to use CRM, and cloud technology can break these barriers by offering dynamic menus that can aid the customers to speak to the most appropriate person faster, which in turn will help increase the support staffs ability to deliver the most appropriate service required by the customers.

Customer Expectation #4

A More Personalized Experience

According to the survey, it was found that 70 percent of support professionals manually update their records in the CRM database after each call. It was also noted that on an average, respondents waste approximately 142 minutes every week for logging their call data, whilst 28 percent said that they spend more than 3 hours a week updating their records.

If this is sounding like this is exactly what is happening in your business, upgrade your support related technology by adopting easy to use CRM software for your company that will aid support agents to perform their work more efficiently.

Recording of calls and automatic call logging found in most easy to use CRM like ConvergeHub and others not only reduces administration time but it also increases productivity.
Additionally, the customer information that is stored in the CRM database also helps to arm the support reps with data that is needed to provide personalized service that customers demand from brands in modern times.

Customer Expectation #5

Understanding the Customer's Pain Points and Needs

Right from sales to customer service, your customer’s pain points and needs impact business success at every stage of the customer journey.

Therefore, it is best to learn from innovative companies those that have invested in finding ways for listening to their customers and adapted their techniques and strategies base on what they have.

According to the survey although a “Customer Obsessed” organization is the hottest topic of the day, in reality, only 50 percent of the support staffs “Alwaysask for feedback, with only 42 percent asking for comments “Only sometimes” and 8 percent those who “Never” performs this important exercise at all.


In modern times, technology has created better informed and more connected customers. Therefore, in this competitive market, it is most essential that to ensure happiness for your customers and make them come back and continue using your brand, automated post support call surveys using an easyto use CRM software is most needed nowadays, which can help evaluate whether your business is living up to your customer expectations for rapid business growth.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

The New Driver Of Buying Decisions- Customer Experience

Businesses’ approach to tempting new customers for buying their products has evolved a lot over the last few years. In the past, it was easy to sell anything that was affordable and of high-quality. Well, in modern times, that has changed and we all know it will also continue to change in the days to come. 

Today, customer experience has become an element that is more important than product or price, when it comes to the consumer’s buying decisions for satisfying their needs. 

In Walker Info report it has been noted that within the next one year (by 2020) customer experience will replace product and price as a key driver behind consumers’ decisions on whether or not to purchase a product or service. 

Therefore with so much competition in the marketplace, it is much more easy for customers to leave you for a competitor that prioritizes on customer experience for the buyers of their offerings. 
Below we will dive and dig into the importance of providing a world-class customer experience and how it can benefit you for your business growth

Why is customer experience so important?

As in 2019, millennial(s) are becoming the biggest consumer demography in the US; all businesses will see a drastic change in their customer-vendor relationship. For now, if consumers are unhappy, they can easily ruin your brand’s reputation by spreading venomous comments across a plethora of social media channels on the internet. 

Therefore, with customers having so much of choices when making a purchase, creating a reputation as a customer-centric brand is most crucial, as if you do not, consumers will buy from your competitors that do. 

Consider these statistics, to drive home the importance of providing your customers with world-class customer experience:

• With stellar customer-experience, an increase in customer retention rates by a mere 5 percent can increase profits by 25-95 percent.
• It costs five times more to get hold of a new customer than it takes to keep holding on to an existing one, and it is only a great customer experience that can generate loyal customers and reduce customer churn. 
• Because of bad customer experience, 95 percent of customers say they have left or have taken action towards a brand.
• 86 percent of customers will be ready to pay 25 percent more for an offering from a brand that delivers excellent customer service to its consumers. 

Hence, you see if you want to remain competitive in your industry and make the wish for your business growth come true, delivering stellar customer experience is now the baseline standard for all successful businesses. 

Here are a few best practices and tricks for delivering excellent customer experience for business growth.

1. Stay in constant touch

Reach out to each of your customers individually to check how things are going on a routine basis, which you can easily do using your best small business CRM software and ask them what you could do to improve upon your services. 

Make use of campaigning functionality in your easy to use CRM software to create a survey and ask your customers if they need any help from you that they presently do not have. 

This outreach can be done with the help of phone calls to make the interaction more personal. 

Performing this type of regular outreach makes the customers feel them as your valuable partners, that you truly consider their opinions, and you are ready to do anything you can to improve their experience with your brand. 

Always remember that once you have planned changes based on their feedback, communicate to your customers that you are making the changes they asked for, since this will win big points for your organization’s reputation and also ensure that your customers are satisfied with the experience that you provide to them for their loyalty towards your brand. 

2. Deliver stellar customer support

Customers form their opinions of your ability to deliver stellar customer experience based on several variables. 

This includes how accessible you are to them, the contents your marketing teams provide, interactions with your sales and support reps that shows empathy, and the list goes on. 

However, the most important among all these factors is the quality of customer support, which is the one that provides the greatest impact on the customer’s perception of your brand.

Hence here are some of the most helpful tips for maintaining a powerful customer support presence of your brand in the marketplace.

Provide multi-channel support

If customers are made to wait, when they need assistance it is natural that they grow increasingly impatient and frustrated. 

Therefore use Chatbots for providing your customers 24 hours support and Live-agents for providing support during the working hours to field more complex questions. 

Apart from this, you can also use the telephone and email for those customers who prefer these modes of communication.

Finally, if you are using your best small business CRM software for increasing customer experience with your brand, you should also integrate social listening and social media monitoring tools to receive alerts when someone mentions about your brand on social media websites. 

It has been observed that people are increasingly asking support questions on social media. Therefore, it is important that you must respond to these questions quickly with the help of these tools, which results in delivering stellar customer experience to your consumers in the marketplace. 

3. Increase the rate of FCR

FCR or Fast Contact Resolution rate refers to the incoming help desk support tickets that your support reps can resolve on their first try. 

The easiest way to boost your FCR rate is by hiring or training top talents in your organization to manage your support efforts or create dedicated help desk groups (support groups that are specialized in a specific product, services or any other areas of your business) to ensure that your customers receive superior customer experience every time.

4. Make employee satisfaction a priority

Employees who are happy working in your organization cares more about your customers, and go that extra mile to support them to resolve their pain-points, which eventually help deliver excellent customer support. 

Therefore, create employ survey programs to measure the satisfaction of your employees in their job, and identify areas where you can improve and increase their satisfaction in their workplace. 

Since when employees are stressed, tired, or overloaded they are more likely to be curt or rude with your customers which can easily damage the reputation of your brand. 


As customer experience is becoming increasing important and will be the most crucial determining factor in the consumer’s purchasing decision making process, following these tips and positioning your company as a customer-centric business along with the use of  best small business CRM software to aid the process will help your company to deliver world-class customer experience that will increase your revenue and solidify your future business growth

Friday, February 15, 2019

Why ConvergeHub is the cheapest Salesforce Alternative for your Sales Force

Salesforce Alternative

The main concern for any business leaders looking for adopting a CRM for their organization, particularly for the business growth of a startup or a small business, is whether or not their employees are going to use the CRM software platform, as intended.

In a recent study done by Forrester in 2017, it was found that 43% of the respondents in the survey did not understand the challenges that come with gaining acceptance of a new CRM software solution in their company.

Kate Leggett and John Bruno wrote in a Forrester report:

CRM initiatives can spiral out of control into multimillion-dollar investments that negatively affect your customers and the employees who serve them. The cost of poor adoption is twofold:  Underutilized investment and unmet business objectives.

This is what happens especially with the adoption of complex CRM software platforms like Salesforce that offers numerous functionalities and whistles that are mostly never used by small businesses.

Therefore, if you are looking for the best small business CRM solution and a Salesforce Alternative CRM platform for your SMB, ConvergeHub prioritizes usability and user adoption for their small business CRM platform.

Manash Chaudhuri, founder, and CSO of ConvergeHub in a recent talk on Salesforce Alternative CRM software platforms said:

"Gone are the days of one-size-fit-all CRM applications. We hear this loud and clear every day from our prospects, fans, and customers, and this new functionality in easy to use CRM software platforms like ConvergeHub CRM has provided the customers of online lead management software the ultimate flexibility they required to implement their CRM for small and medium businesses the way they want to.
Since allowing small businesses to customize and tailor their Salesforce Alternative CRM in a way they choose, not only lessens the alleged risks of CRM implementation but also encourages the inclinations of the CRM users to use their easy to use CRM regularly, with this new functionality in their small business CRM platforms."

In the end of the day, small businesses and startups looking for Salesforce Alternative CRM software just want an affordable and an easy CRM solution to use.

In other words, they want a CRM for small business, a software solution that is capable of tracking their sales, that saves them time, and make their business growth happen more productively.

Therefore the moment you will Sign up for ConvergeHub , the award-winning CRM for small business , you will surely notice the difference.

ConvergeHub is a scalable enterprise-ready CRM for small businesses that is packed with advanced features which are also found in Salesforce that will help your small business grow rapidly.

It is an easy to use CRM software , that incorporates customizable and configurable features, which helps companies to adapt the CRM to their way of doing business.

Therefore, if you are looking for Salesforce Alternative CRM software that has robust enterprise-grade features and is priced for startups and small business, ConvergeHub is for you.

ConvergeHub is a feature-packed powerful CRM, which is found at an affordable and transparent pricing of $9/user per month (Billed Annually) or $11/user per month (Billed Quarterly) and is committed to provide the highest price-performance value for startups and small and medium businesses that believe in rapid business growth. 

Here are some of the key benefits of using ConvergeHub (Starter Edition) for managing your SMB’s Leads, Contacts, Accounts, and Deals:

  • 500 Leads
  • 500 Accounts
  • 500 Contacts
  • 500 Deals
  • 500 Cases
  • 500 Events
  • 500 Tasks
  • 500 Notes
  • 250 MB Storage
  • 500 emails per user/month
  • App Store· 

Moreover, it practically requires zero training for using this easy to use Salesforce Alternative CRM software, since it will take just a couple of hours to see the value in using a focused and simple lead management software, which helps in adding clarity to your customer relationship management and sales tracking efforts.

ConvergeHub believes in focusing on building a great product that people like and recommends vs. hiring thousands of employees like Salesforce that will try to hard sell their CR, since our motto is to help our small business customers in their business growth strategies and thrive, and we certainly do that by providing a fantastic Salesforce Alternative.

So go ahead, give ConvergeHub a shot. We are sure you will never regret it as you will be really surprised to find how great this Salesforce Alternative is today, in the 2019 Cloud-based CRM software marketplace. 

Thursday, January 31, 2019

The Rise Of Inbound Marketing In MCA Business And How To Master It

The effectiveness and popularity of inbound marketing in all industries including the Cash Advance business have been steadily rising since inbound marketing began penetrating marketing practices in the early 2000s, and has also evolved significantly, owing to the stellar growth of the internet and the introduction of new marketing channels to deliver customized contents to prospects and customers.

However, do you know what is inbound marketing and what are the means by which you can excel in it?

Well, in this article let us, therefore, dig into the nuances of this popular marketing strategy and discuss certain tactics used in inbound marketing along with some of the best practices that will help you to master it.

Even not in the distant past, marketing was a totally different ballgame even in the MCA industry, than it is today.

As before the rise of MCA CRM software and the internet, marketing for Merchant Cash Advance business mainly consisted of overtly trying to convince leads and prospective customers to buy their services, which in fact was not much different than traditional age-old advertising.

However, this marketing strategy changed as the internet and social media began to provide marketers with novel ways to deliver contents to leads, prospects, and customers, shifting the focus from touting the advantages of their services to providing educational information that helped MCA prospects and customers to solve common problems. 

Common MCA inbound marketing tactics and best practices using Merchant Cash Advance software:

Although there are several common inbound marketing tactics that you have surely seen, nevertheless here are also a few of the most effective inbound marketing tactics that you can use for your Cash Advance business, especially when you are also using Merchant Cash Advance CRM software.

Content marketing

Content marketing is considered as the bedrock of inbound marketing strategy. Some of the most used content marketing tactics that can be used in Merchant Cash Advance business are:

  • Blogging
  • EBooks
  • Social media contents
  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • Whitepapers
  • Case Studies
  • Email newsletters and others

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Next, once you have created your valuable contents, you need to make it easy for your potential MCA customers to find and benefit from it.

This is where SEO (Search Engine Optimization) comes into play.

As most consumers use Google to search for contents, SEO is a practice which helps in optimizing your Cash Advance website so that your web-pages appear higher-up in the search engine results.

However, although SEO remains a critical piece in every inbound marketer’s playbook, as Google constantly alters its search engine’s algorithms, nailing down SEO tactics for your MCA business is like aiming at a constantly moving target.

So learn more about updated SEO strategies which you can easily assimilate into your inbound marketing plans. Remember creating contents without doing SEO is of no value, as content marketing is useless if you do not find a way to drive traffic into it.

Social Media Marketing

Social media has utterly altered the way present-day marketers approach their works. With the escalation of people using social media on a daily basis, social media platforms have become the primary channel through which MCA businesses can also reach their potential customers.

According to a report published by Social Media Examiner in 2018, it has been stated that social media marketing increase brand exposure by 87%, website traffic by 78%, and helps in generating more leads by 64% in the US markets.

Therefore, as an inbound marketing tactic, use social media to increase customer engagements and post your contents on your social media platforms since if your content is outstanding, people will definitely share it and your Cash Advance businesses’ followers will grow.

Create buyer personas

Despite what many marketers may think, it is difficult to make a broad generalization about what your customers need or want without any research. Creating hypothetical profiles of your businesses’ ideal buyers or buyer personas help to zero in on their requirements and deliver inbound content which addresses those needs.

For developing buyer personas, it is useful to launch a customer survey email campaign that allows you to focus on most common pain-points those that are felt across your customer base.

Using an MCA CRM software like ConvergeHub for collecting these data in the CRM database and for conducting these surveys helps in effectively address your customer’s needs.

Score Leads

Lead scoring is the practice of providing leads points for actions that they have taken and their demographic data they provide using MCA CRM software.

For an example, when someone views or downloads your inbound contents, like eBooks, white papers, , or visit your pricing page and others you can award them points for their interest to buy your services.

Lead scoring helps to view most sales-ready leads easily.

Therefore to dig further read here how to incorporate lead scoring into your MCA inbound marketing strategy.

Develop engaging landing pages that convert leads

When someone clicks a link to view or download your content, ‘landing page’ is the place where they land on that offers the content for free but request personal information in exchange.

A landing page is a lead generation tactics, so make your MCA landing pages engaging, that makes it amply clear what they are offering.

Therefore to dig further read here how to create and use landing pages into your MCA inbound marketing strategy.    


Inbound marketing is here to stay. Since inbound marketing using Merchant Cash Advance CRM bridges the gap and enables modern, digital marketers to show that they care about the customer experience than anything else for creating a customer-centric business.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Marketing automation best practices to drive growth with best sales CRM software

easy to use crm

Small and startup businesses need to squeeze every drop of value out of the technology they use. Most small businesses have limited resources and so they need to maximize their efficiency and productivity. Hence, adhering to marketing automation best practices using best sales CRM software like ConvergeHub is the key to many growing businesses.
According to a survey done by Liana Technologies (a software house specialized in digital marketing and communication tools), the most common reason that participants of the survey gave for not using marketing automation was the dearth of expertise and lack of human resource to manage the system.
However with a right marketing automation software, like an easy to use CRM ConvergeHub, these concerns are not a problem, since ConvergeHub provides in-depth on-boarding and training so that you can be sure your team will have all the necessary expertise to use their best sales CRM software efficiently.
Therefore, if you are not sure how to leverage your marketing automation system, to drive growth, this article is for you to make sure that you do not see your marketing automation system as an insurmountable obstacle for generating more sales and revenue.

Here we have covered a few marketing automation best practices using your best sales CRM software for growing your business.

Map out your lead stages

The most fundamental thing that marketing automation in an easy to use CRM software helps your business to grow is by generating and nurturing leads so that they ultimately become your customers. However, to do this you primarily need to map out the different stages a lead passes through on its way for conversion.
Therefore, create a custom field in your best sales CRM software to track where your leads are in the sales funnel, according to which stages they are in.
Since, it is only by viewing how fast leads are moving from one stage to the next, allow you to find out bottlenecks in the sales pipeline and address the cause so that leads can continue to move smoothly through the pipeline.
Here is an example of a few lead stages that most of our customers use, once they use our easy to use CRM software and marketing automation solution ConvergeHub.
  • Anonymous Lead
  • Known Lead
  • Engaged Lead
  • Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)
  • Sales Accepted Lead (SAL)
  • Sales Qualified Lead (SQL)
  • Won Lead
  • Lost Lead
  • Recycled Lead
  • Disqualified Lead 

Lead scoring

Next, you need a lead scoring process in place to find when any lead becomes marketing qualified and all set to be passed on to sales. You can easily score your leads based on its demographic attributes (like industry, job title, age, location, etc.) and also on the behavioral aspects of the leads (like downloading content, clicking on an email, visiting high-value web pages, etc.)

Lead scoring is a process, which provides valuable insights of which attributes and actions deserve which score. 

Use triggers to simplify lead progression

Use your best sales CRM software like ConvergeHub; you can activate system triggers, which will launch a series of automated actions when specific events take place.

For example, when any one of your leads becomes marketing qualified, you can make use of system triggers to automatically create a task for the sales to follow up on the lead, update the lead stage to MQL, and at the same time pull them out of any ongoing lead nurturing campaign.

You can also make use of triggers to initiate actions like sending emails.
For example, you can use your easy to use CRM to send welcome emails to anyone who has signed up for your free trial.

In fact, using an award-winning smallbusiness CRM software like ConvergeHub the possibility of what you can automatically trigger using its sales force automation functionalities are virtually endless.  

Leverage lead generation tools

Lead generation is one of the most important parts of growing any small and medium-sized business. If you are a user of ConvergeHub CRM software you can streamline your lead generation efforts by using ConvergeHub Free Lead Generation Tool.

Moreover, most easy to use CRM systems also provide the ability to create landing pages with lead forms so that your marketing team can capture personal information of new leads in the pipeline.

Always, be sure that the landing pages of your lead generation forms are effective and engaging at converting leads that help grow your business.

Use popup to manage exit intent

Web pop-ups are message boxes that come up on the screen when you are browsing a website.  These pop-ups often convey information, offer contents, provide free trails and discounts, and others.
Therefore create intelligently and provoking exit intents on your business website to entice your visitors to stick around, since you can easily configure exit intent that will appear when someone is about to leave your website.

Routinely clean your contact database

You best sales CRM software platform’s ability to reach out to leads diminishes as your CRM database starts accumulating fake contacts and duplicate data in the CRM.

Therefore routinely (once every fortnight) clean your CRM database by merging duplicates, and put verification measures that can identify fake emails and phone numbers, so that your easy to use CRM data remains clean and do not affect the performance of your system.

Measure improvements

One of the most cherished thing about marketing automation in any easy to use best small business CRM software like ConvergeHub is its ability to track every touch points that you have with your leads and customers in your CRM software platform’s database.

Using marketing automation functions in your easy to use CRM solution you can not only keep track of the landing pages and website visits, number of MLQs converted to customers, content downloads, campaign outcomes, but also measure email open rates, bounce and click-through rates, unsubscribes, and a lot more that helps to keep your finger on the pulse of your results.

Using the powerful analytical capabilities in the CRM software you can easily identify which strategies are working for your business and which ones need improvements to make data-driven decisions for growing your business.


When used correctly marketing automation is the engine that helps you generate more leads, close more deals, and predominantly maintain higher customer satisfaction rates for driving growth and expansions for small and emerging businesses.

This is the reason most small businesses use all-in-one Salesforce alternative CRM software platforms like ConvergeHub, which includes marketing automation on the same platform, and more importantly at no extra cost.

So just be sure to evaluate your options before selecting the right all-in-one CRM software solution to meet your business needs.

Do you want 2019 to be the year where you achieve massive revenue growth?

Then start planning NOW.

Create your revenue growth strategy for 2019.

If you would like to get some ideas or brainstorm on how ConvergeHub can provide the right technology to achieve your company’s sales goals, you can reserve a confidential consultation with one of our experts.
On this 30-45 minute call we will:
  • Take a deep-dive into your business process
  • Pinpoint areas with most growth potential
  • Discuss how to implement an effective marketing automation system that lets you focus on most important tasks